Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shrinking walls …

I think the cabin fever is getting to me.  I have left the house once in almost two weeks.  I think I may be going crazy.  Evidence?

I’ve started watching terrible Canadian DIY shows on purpose.  And these crazy ladies on PBS seem like they have amazing baking ideas.  What is the world coming to?  It’s a sad time in the world when Canadian television seems good.  God help me if I start liking that whiny bald kid.  His parents need to be taken with Dora’s parents and Max & Ruby’s parents (wherever they are) and publically flogged. 

Oh yeah.  I said it.  You were all thinking it. Where the heck are those bunnies?  And where is bunny child services?  Maybe they went off with Dora and the Grumpy Old Troll threw them into Alligator Lake (because they couldn’t just walk around it … I can SEE the other side from here DORA!)

Anyway … a few more days and we’re getting out again.  Just to the doctor, but hey … it’s out.  Woohoo for Dr. W being the awesome person I’m looking forward to seeing. Cue sad looks and “such a shame” from the peanut gallery.

1 comment:

  1. I should take offense to the "terrible Canadian" shows comments, but I know what you mean! Hahaha!!
